Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Saturday, April 28, 2012


Looking out across the garden and the surrounding forest, it is hard to believe it is almost May.  I am just back from Eugene where everything is in bloom and the yards are colorful and lush.  Here, some leaves are finally showing and the tulips are just now blooming.  The apple trees have their first flowers and the perennials are several inches out of the ground.  In the greenhouse, the peas are blooming and the lettuce is finally making sets of leaves.  It has taken long enough that some of the cabbages are bolting as they are already 60 days old and yet only now getting bigger leaves.  So, onward and upward.  I will start melons, winter squash ,and pumpkins tomorrow as well as transplanting another round of tomatoes and cucumbers.  This afternoon I am attending a FEAST event about food security in the Upper Rogue.  Not really sure what will be accomplished, but I volunteered to be there, so I guess I will be, despite the keen desire to just stay home and play in the dirt!

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