Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Diary 2/2/12

Happy Ground Hog Day!  The official Punxsutawney (sorry, sp?)ground hog, Phil, says six more weeks of Winter because he saw his shadow(however that works). The other two ground hogs came up to clouds and a prediction of an early Spring.  Go figure.   We don't even have ground hogs here, so we look at stripes on Wooly Bugger caterpillars!  In Vermillion,a suburb of Cleveland, they celebrate these guys with a festival. Here, it is Happy New Cat Day as I brought home a 3 year old spayed female cat yesterday from an elderly lady who needed to find new homes for 3 cats, the mama and 2  11 month old kittens. Anyway I thought Gopher Getter, who is a neutered male, would prefer an adult female cat over male kittens.  I think it will work, just gonna take some time. He is following her around and spying on her. She seems delighted with what she knows of her new home so far.

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