Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Diary 12/7/11

More sunny days and cold nights.  Pretty cold in the mid-west, too and pretty wet in the east.  I better not snivel.
Harvested a bit of this and that to make 5 bags.  They all had potatoes, onions, lettuce and cilantro, and then it varied form there with kale, chard, cabbage and turnip greens. The chicken yard needs some attention tomorrow and there are plenty of dry leaves along their fence to throw in there.  I have been hauling greens from the greenhouses including grass clumps, other weeds, and mushy tomatoes to the chickens. Still getting 4 eggs most days.

1 comment:

  1. I just finished putting manure on my vegetable garden, which is not so large as all of yours but still pretty good sized at 32'by 42'. It was a lot of work using the wheelbarrow, thankfully the garden is downhill from the horse manure bins. Love reading your posts. And yes, it has finally gotten pretty cool here: low 30s today.


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