Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Monday, December 19, 2011

Diary 12/19/11

Delightful get together on Sunday.  I am very lucky to have so many great girlfriends.  It makes aging so much easier to take.  We have been running off the same group of cows from the garden every evening for the last week.  Tonight I was able to get a message to the cowboy(man), Travis, in a disheartened voice about fear for my garlic and the few things I am growing in the greenhouses.  He called an hour later and is coming to move the cows in the morning.  I can only hope that is true, and there are no more out there to round-up. The idea of no cows until May sounds wonderful from here.  As soon as we get some rain and warmer soil, I will start putting up the fence for next year...

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