Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Monday, May 23, 2011

Diary 5/23/11

Relaxing after a busy busy day!  Planted green beans in top greenhouse, that is the third succession.  Planted corn to transplant out into the field when the weather does settle, Supersweet Jubilee, a yellow corn, and How Sweet It is, white one.  Transplanted more Candy onions, finishing the bed of them.  Need to make one more, and another of the Walla Walla Sweets.  Then I can plant the red onions and the very few white onions I started. Worked on drip line systems, getting more of the beds watered and some ready for planting along the drip lines.  I also ran sprinklers in the greenhouses to wet the interior area.  The trails were so dry and not storing heat or moisture. Phew!

1 comment:

  1. So thankful for such a great outcome for little Caleb!

    I really want to come see your gardens and greenhouses in action sometime when I'm in Oregon! I'm getting ready to install my first drip system in my home garden. I had "The Drip Store" help me with a basic plan and now have a big box of parts waiting for me. Hopefully we'll install the system this weekend, provided the tornados and storms cooperate. I'd love any tips or suggestions you might want to share...
    Thanks in advance.


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