Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Diary 5/14/11

Gloomy all day.  Finished planting the potatoes and we did fill the new beds and had to make another one!  Looks like we are going long on potatoes.  They are finished fairly early, August, so their care fits in around other vegetables somehow.  Mulch made from rotten logs, a little sand and a little compost is our top dressing and the layer in the trench into which we poked the potatoes.  Planted Russets, Katahdins, and Red Norlands today.  There is the layer of leaves and compost down below and we will mulch them as they grow up out of the soil, promoting stronger tubers. There were 4 and 1/2 planters.

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