Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Diary 2/23

Planted red onions at the end of the Walla Wallas using the same method.  Supposed big snow storm on its way.  Sometimes the weather people make a huge deal out of these things and they don't mature.  It has snowed all day, but we have very little accumulation.  Tonight and tomorrow morning they are saying close to a foot of snow at our level.  I guess it is possible, though the sun is peeking out right now, but that can mean lowering temperatures.  After the storm we are to have a couple very cold nights.  If the snow is covering everything like pipes, it will not be so bad.  If not, and it is 15 degrees and dry, it can be hard on plastic pipes.  Here's hoping.  We have insulated well, but you never know.

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