Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Diary 2/19

I threatened to put this on the blog and here it is.  I put together a luncheon in honor of a new friend who has to move further away at the end of this month.  Although we are organizing an every other week garden day when she may come to work in the garden as she did last year each week, I know it will be harder to accomplish than it sounds.  A few of the other ladies help also, so the idea of Thursdays or whatever day we pick as an open garden day may work well in their lives also.  I will be sad to see my friend move, but she is a friend and not just a neighbor or acquaintance, so I know it will survive the displacement factor. Plus, as I always say, you never know what tomorrow may bring.  I hope more fun like today!

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