Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Friday, July 9, 2010

Diary 7/9

Hot day, but got work done early, so not as bad as trying to work into the middle of the day. Harvested one bed of garlic, not the best soil, but did OK. I think the other bed with sand added will be better. Will work to clean up and grade the different sizes of the bulbs. I stick the dinky ones aside for much later, save the biggest for seed for next year, and braid some of the medium size ones. The garlic I grow is a middle of the road variety, not a bunch of different ones, just an early white with a pink blush. It is garlicy enough without being hot or spicy. What I really like is how well it keeps; managed to have enough cloves from last year to make it until this year's crop has cured, finished drying. It was planted in late September/ early October. My husband, Sherm, is the tractor guy!

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