Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Diary 6/3

Yes, yes, more rain. Ahh, but I think we may see a reprieve this weekend. I don't dare listen to the extended forcast, just happily dreaming of sun and the ability to till fields someday! Started corn in flats today for insurance. At least that way, I can get some started to put out in the field at some point. Planted some cabbgaes inside the coolest greenhouse because I don't have ground outside prepped to put them in. Also put the few last peppers I have and an eggplant in here and there, so less babysitting all the time. Have a few straggler tomatoes to find homes for and then I am done with plants in planters, except for the new corn, of course. What a year!

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