Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Diary 2/15/15

I have been in the doldrums as far as the garden goes. Just was hard to get myself motivated to work out there. Then a couple asked to WWOOF at the farm last Tuesday. I thought about it...good weather...frozen shoulder...stress about what I need to get done...and voila! I said "yes". They arrived this afternoon, and I think I have made a wise decision. They are interesting people with genuine interest, intelligent conversation, and a willingness to participate in whatever we are doing. I feel better already!

This morning we got six cords of wood off the "big tree". I really didn't help much with my weird shoulder, but I babysat so another much younger lady could help, and I was there to cheerlead and offer a loaf of banana bread.

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