Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Diary 9/25/14

I am proud of my small crop of tepary beans that I grew this summer. The gophers didn't seem to want to bother them, so I may try more dried beans next summer, something I used to grow quite a few of. Anyway, I learned about these beans when visiting Cheryl in Arizona. The Huhukum tribes of pre-history times grew these as they are super drought resistant. I am sure they planted them along the washes and as the water went down, the bean roots would follow. I have my small crop sitting in the traditional basket of the Huhukum's more recent relatives, the Tohona O'Odham,. We watch a member of this group making baslets at Oracle State Park last March on my serendipitous visit there. We also went to the ruins of a HOhokum village, one of the many vast dwelling of hundreds of thousands of relatives that slowly disappeared as did many of the Southwest residents.

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