Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Thursday, July 31, 2014

Diary 7/31/14

We had a heck of a storm here last night. It looked like three fronts came together right in front of us. The wind picked up until it was blowing at a sustained 60 mph at least. It hailed, but not the usual little balls, but chips of ice as if someone was working on a block of ice with an ax. In the end, the power was off, we had three big fir trees and an old oak down off the side hill below our house and across the county road. There were branches everywhere and even one stabbed through the windshield of my car. We are fine, power back on, car towed into the glass place, trees cleared from road. Hauled our third load of branches off this evening to clear our road. More to haul tomorrow. Phew! The storms today formed higher up, but as the night comes on, we can see the smoke from 4 fires from our yard. A break tomorrow and then more of the same over the weekend. Fingers crossed and thinking good thoughts for all the people on the fire lines all around.
Some of the debris

During the tempest


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