Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Monday, May 27, 2013

Diary 5/26/13

One doesn't really want to say, "Happy Memorial Day". It doesn't make sense. The day is set aside to remember those who made the "ultimate sacrifice" as they say, of their lives for what someone else deemed important.  I, personally, have a hard time with the concept of war as a means of gaining peace.  It is right up there with spanking a child for hitting. I hope in the midst of the weekend holiday, there were some thoughts to why we have the day off.  I hate reading the casualty lists and seeing 19 and 20 year olds who on the brink of their lives have been killed for a slightly mystic cause. In addition, there are those coming home from the war to a life without a limb, with a head injury or an empty soul to think of as well.  To them I dedicate my thoughts and prayers on this weekend as their journey through Hell continues while
they continue their lives damaged. The Wounded Warrior Foundation is doing good things and I know there are several other organizations out there addressing this same group of men and women who need so much help upon their return. Please give when you can, and think about thanking a veteran today.

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