Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Diary 9/13/11

Took a trip to the Umpqua divide yesterday to deliver food to our son and his fire crew who have been fighting the various small lightning caused fires in their area.  They have not been going to the fire camp to eat because the fires are in their district, so they have had to provide their own lunches and come home late and make dinner.  They have been doing this for the last 10 days and have no time to get to a store 40 miles away.  So, we combined a rescue mission with a huckleberry picking adventure.  There were definitely some nice berries there and I hope we can get back to them before they freeze as we only had an hour to pick.  It was beautiful over there and I had a whole new view of what the next ridge over from Mt. Thielson held; much wetter with small lakes, and a combination of Douglas Fir and more Eastern Oregon dryness. Our son and crew called at 8:30, very excited about a dining room table full of food, flowers in the living room, and pumpkins on the front stoop.


  1. Thanks for sharing the forest pictures... was missing tall trees today. :)

  2. That was nice of you! Funny thing, he called me yesterday just to say hi. Must have been getting homesick. So I'm sure the arrival of your stuff came just in time.


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