Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Diary 4/21/11

The sun poked out between cool wind and clouds today.  The greenhouses warmed up and things had a chance to grow.  Tomorrow is supposed to be very sunny and warm, in the mid-sixties. Then rain again after that.  Ah well.  Did alot of different things today.  Working on beds.  Hauled sand and compost to a couple of beds.  Worked on cleaning out over-wintered spinach for bags tomorrow and tilling soon.  Birds were busy today, should be crazy busy tomorrow.  They, like myself, have catching up to do.  Hope we have more sunny days this coming week.  The plants I am donating to the Wildflower Show are kinda small due to no sun.  Nothing to be done about it, but I gave them a good pep talk this morning.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sara~~ Glad you found me. I think we all need a pep talk after this spring's weather. Sheesh. I look forward to tomorrow's sunshine and warmth. The birds are crazy busy around here too. Beautiful photos. I love the water on the clover and your banner Trout lily. Just gorgeous!


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