Evening glow in the greenhouse

Evening glow in the greenhouse
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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Diary 4/28

Busy day ahead with not all of it in the garden. 9 bags today! I have never had success with turnips before. Usually something eats them before I can. We have pumice in our soil from Mt. Mazama, Crater Lake's blow up and it is a home for wire worms, click beetle larva. Growing the turnips overwinter seemed so much better, so I will keep trying that. Always learning...What do you do with a turnip? I love them raw, kinda like a radish, but sweeter. I put them in salad, a stir fry, stew, and I cut squares up and fried them with potatoes the other day and they were interesting little sweet chunks in with the blander potatoes. They sure are a beautiful color!

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